Have questions about our next event? Here's what we know. (We're still planning 😉)


Can I get the deck or video of 2024 sessions?

If you registered for the 2024 conference, absolutely. We'll send out the sessions via email, Slack, and post some highlights on this website once we've had a minute to catch our breath.

How can I find out about the next event??

Who should attend?

The RevOpsAF conference is build by, for, and about the RevOps community. This means that we're carefully selecting experts with experience in the tactics and strategies the people supporting sales, marketing, and customer success rely upon to succeed. We've also created a Leadership track so people looking to accelerate their careers can stay on top of the latest market trends and develop skills necessary for upper management.

In other words, anyone in go-to-market operations - whether your title is "revenue operations" or not - is welcome!

When is the event taking place?

We think the US-based event will be mid-May of 2025. Europe - we're thinking March, maybe? But you can convince us otherwise by voting in the surveys in the next question.

Oh, and we'll also have some regional events.
Sign up for more news.

Where is the event taking place?

We're still taking survey answers! If you're based in or would like to travel to the conference in Europe: take this survey.
All folks who want to attend in the US: take this one.

Can I apply to be a speaker?

Soon! We're not quite ready for submissions, but we're working on it.

Are discounts available?

Yes. Please inquire to learn more about team discounts, speaker discounts, and discounts for sponsors.

I'm paying my own way. Do you offer price relief?

We hate hearing that a company refused to invest in career growth (see our template below in this FAQ for how to ask for reimbursement). We can offer quarterly payments as an alternative to a single, lump sum payment. Please email us at community (@) revopscoop dot com to request more information on quarterly payments.

Are there refunds if I can’t attend?

Unfortunately, there are no refunds available after purchase. Tickets can be transferred to another attendee with pre-approval of the RevOps AF team. Email for assistance.

What is included with registration?

We're still designing upcoming events. However, you can expect community, learning opportunities, and networking with people who are RevOpsAF. Check back for details.

What's the dress code?

Think West Coast B2B SaaS. Relaxed.

If you wear a suit, you'll stick out because most of us will be in jeans, t-shirts, and zip up hoodies. But if you want to dress up, you can.

All we ask is that you keep it work appropriate. No bare feet, bizarre or offensive graphics, political swag, etc.

Do you have a template to request sponsorship/to expense the cost of attending the conference?

Coming soon as we finalize details!

What are COVID protocols?

The health and safety of attendees and sponsors is always important to RevOpsAF.

Below are our current health & safety standards. As we draw closer to the event, these standards will be re-evaluated and updated based on current COVID-19 conditions. We will provide additional information to attendees prior to the event.

We ask that attendees not attend the event if he/she/they:

- Tested positive for COVID within 10 days of the event.
- Have been exposed to COVID within 5 days of the event.
- Are showing symptoms of COVID on the day or 3 days prior to the event.

Attendees assume all risks, including COVID exposure and any resulting effects, in attending this event, and are expected to follow all official health guidelines. RevOpsAF will not be held liable for any injury, harm or loss incurred.

Still have questions? Email us at